Hasil cetak tentunya sesuai dengan tampilan PDF tanpa terpotong, kekecilan ataupun masalah lainnya. Langsung saja kita mulai dari yang pertama yaitu menggunakan Adobe Reader. Aplikasi Adobe Acrobat Reader memiliki fitur yang lebih lengkap dibandingkan aplikasi lainnya. Sehingga saya merekomendasikan software ini pada urutan pertama. Dengan langkah di atas maka hasil cetak tidak akan terpotong.
Karena ukuran kertas telah sesuai. Opsi fit dipilih agar dokumen menyesuaikan ukurannya dengan kertas yang digunakan. Namun kekurangan dari opsi fit adalah hasilnya akan terlihat kurang bagus jika dokumen PDF diprint pada kertas yang lebih besar dari ukuran aslinya. Misalnya ukuran asli A4 diprint pada A3. Dengan opsi fit maka file PDF akan dipaksa memenuhi kertas A3 sehingga memungkinkan hasilnya akan pecah atau blur.
Sedangkan opsi Choose paper source by PDF page size dihilangkan centangnya. Berarti kita tidak menggunakan ukuran asli dari dokumen tersebut. If you are seriously looking for an excellent solution to mirror your PDF, then your fortune finally arrived. The first thing is always to open PDFelement to access plenty of tools on the interface.
To open the desired PDF file, hit the "Open files" bottom at the bottom left. From the subsequent file explorer window, choose the PDF file you want to mirror and click "Open" to upload it to the program window. Click the "Thumbnail" button to access the thumbnails on the left window pane. Right-click on the page you want to mirror and select the "Rotate Pages" option. Now the "Rotate Pages" dialog box will appear. Under the "Orientation" section, choose a suitable mirror direction.
If you want this to look across all the pages of your PDF, then check the "All" radio button under the "Page Range" section. Kalau filenya cuma di bawah 5 mungkin tidak masalah, tapi akan terasa ribet kalau filenya banyak. Pertama yang harus dilakukan agar kita bisa mencetak atau print banyak file secara bersamaan sekaligus yakni dengan cara mengatur default print di Windows tersebut. Lalu klik kanan printer yang diinginkan dan Set Default.
Setelah ketemu pengaturan printer hilankan centang let windows manage my default printer maka otomatis sistem akan menjadikan salah satu printer yang dijadikan printer utama. This option will only appear if the app supports it. If you don't see the option, you won't be able to use this method to print a mirrored version of the document. Print the document. If you need to customize any additional options for your print job such as page or color preferences , make your selections and then click Print.
Your finished document will be sent to the selected printer. Method 5. If you want to mirror an entire document and the feature is supported by your printer, you can choose the Flip or Mirror option during the printing process in many apps.
This is helpful if you need to mirror a file whose native app doesn't have a built-in "mirror" or "flip" option. Select the printer you'd like to use. The option to mirror a print is actually in the printer's settings, not the Windows settings. Click Printer Properties on the print screen.
The location will vary, but it'll usually be somewhere near the printer drop-down menu. Sometimes the option is just called Properties. Look for a "Mirror" or "Flip Horizontally" option. Some printers will display an option to enable or disable mirrored prints on the Properties screen, but others will not. If you see such an option, enable or select it now. The name of the option will vary slightly. Make sure you're not choosing a "Rotate" option—the one you need will nearly always contain the word "Mirror.
Click Advanced if there's no mirror option. The location of Advanced varies, and it may have a different name often Features. You'll know you've found the right option when you click it and a window called " Your Printer Name Advanced Options" opens. Select the "Mirrored" or "Flip Horizontally" option if displayed. Again, the name varies. If your printer didn't have a mirror option before, you may see one on the current screen.
You'll usually need to click a link and choose Yes or On from a menu. If you don't see one of these options, your printer cannot mirror-print this document.
Click OK to save your changes. Click OK again to close your print settings. This takes you back to the screen on which you selected your printer. Choose your print preferences and click Print. Disable mirrored printing. If you don't turn off the mirroring feature, your printer may continue to mirror all print jobs. Method 6. Click the object you want to flip.
Publisher allows you to flip any selected object or text in your project so you can print a mirror image.