Re: vista dhcp client service hung on starting This problem occurs because of a dependency between the DHCP Client service and the Protected Storage service. Security update introduces this dependency. Therefore, this problem occurs after you install security update Therefore, the "Preparing network connections" stage of startup takes longer than two minutes. Replies: 3 Last Post: , PM. Replies: 1 Last Post: , PM. Replies: 4 Last Post: , PM. By lucspec gmail.
Replies: 2 Last Post: , AM. Being a standalone server, there is no other option for DHCP other than the router and that is not desirable,. Hope this helps someone else who encounters this issue. Did your DHCP database somehow get damaged during the update? Can you rebuild the DHCP service from scratch in stead of importing the backup? To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.
Many thanks Ken. Best Answer. Thanks for the replies. Being a standalone server, there is no other option for DHCP other than the router and that is not desirable, Further testing showed that the server booted normally when the DHCP Server service was changed to Manual start. Covered by US Patent. Come for the solution, stay for everything else. Welcome to our community! Hi All I have new pc "Vista Business", at first time this pc work ok, But after I'm trust domain, service dhcp client can't start " Error 5: Access is denied.
Any one know how to do. Thank in advance. Rob Williams. Most Points The Distinguished Expert awards are presented to the top veteran and rookie experts to earn the most points in the top 50 topics.
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