Sea grant college program act

Creating Resilient Coastal Communities. Click on the buttons below to view collections of resources from Sea Grant programs across the country and more. Sea Grant works to protect, enhance and restore habitats, ecosystems and the services they provide. Sea Grant works with fishing communities to advance sustainable, domestic fisheries and aquaculture.

Sea Grant helps coastal and Great Lakes communities prepare for and adapt to changing conditions. Sea Grant supports and trains a diverse and skilled workforce that is environmentally literate and equipped to address national and local needs.

Sea Grant employs or supports thousands of scientists to address emerging and pressing needs related to the four strategic focus areas.

Sea Grant employs over on-the-ground extension specialists who serve as honest brokers of scientific information to support community needs. Sea Grant educators provide instruction and tools to teachers, students, working professionals and the public on topics related to the four strategic focus areas. Within each of Sea Grant's four focus areas, there are specific initiatives taken based on national and local needs as well as emerging issues.

Each of the pages below provides highlights of the hot issue listed. Oyster Restoration. Coastal Hazards Preparedness. Coastal Tourism. An examination of the regulatory impact of the bill found that as the bill reauthorizes an existing program, no additional regulatory, economic, paperwork, or personal privacy burdens would be imposed on individuals or businesses.

The report analyzes the bill section by section and indicates changes and omissions from the original bill. Authoring Institution: Congress of the U. That the Marine Resources and Engineering Development Act of is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new Title:. The Foundation shall exercise its authority under this title by initiating and supporting programs at sea grant colleges and other suitable institutes, laboratories, and public or private agencies for the education of participants in the various fields re lating to the development of marine resources with preference given to research aimed at practices, techniques, and design of equipment applicable to the development of marine resources; encouraging and developing programs consisting of instruction, pract ical demonstrations, publications with the object of imparting useful information to persons currently employed or interested in the various fields related to the development of marine resources.

The term development of marine resources means scientific endeavors relating to the marine environment, including but not limited to the fields oriented toward the development, conservation, or economic utilization of the physical, chemical, geological an d biological resources of the marine environment, the fields of marine commerce and marine engineering, the fields relating to exploration or research in, the recover of natural resources from, and the transmission of energy in, the marine environment; t he fields of oceanography and oceanology and the fields with respect to the study of the economic, legal, medical or sociological problems arising out of the management, use, development recovery and control of the natural resources of the marine environm ent.

Why can't these popular names easily be found in the US Code? The United States Code is meant to be an organized, logical compilation of the laws passed by Congress. At its top level, it divides the world of legislation into fifty topically-organized Titles, and each Title is further subdivided into any number of logical subtopics.

In theory, any law -- or individual provisions within any law -- passed by Congress should be classifiable into one or more slots in the framework of the Code. On the other hand, legislation often contains bundles of topically unrelated provisions that collectively respond to a particular public need or problem. A farm bill, for instance, might contain provisions that affect the tax status of farmers, their management of land or treatment of the environment, a system of price limits or supports, and so on.

Each of these individual provisions would, logically, belong in a different place in the Code.


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