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Firmware ROM images for radio and radio related products by manufacture. Ham Radio Deluxe Addons. Now you may disconnect the programming cable from the radio. In this case the specific circuit for putting the radio in the programming mode is not needed. Igor Yamaleyev has noted that in this case the external power supply may be needed.
It can be got from the radio power supply unit. The radio should be programmed with the slow computer MHz. Also the data exchange speed for DOS programs via the emulated port is notably higher then via the standard serial port under Windows XP. Modern high speed computers vere used in those tests. The cellular phones connector can be used for applying AT-commands or firmware reload.
There are no hardware flow control circuits in the connector. The Siemens specific connector is shown. Use it for AT-commands with the switch turned off, for firmware downloading the switch should be turned on. The Siemens phone socket pinout is taken from www. For more information please search specific cell phone sites. In order to print this.
Save this GIF image to disk. Print it, it will be of the right size. Please note that Rind resistor and a LED are used just to indicate the power supply voltage.
The recommended value of Rind is 4. The page is in Hungarian. Optimal PCB picture resolution is dpi. The high zero effect is present. Let's see the troubleshooting technique if the cable does not work.. Check the assembly carefully.
Check the component correspondence with the schematic diagram. Here are the most common errors in the programming cable assembly. Obviously it will not work. Some people try to use any awailable transistors instead of denoted. In this case the work is not guaranteed.
Sometimes the prescribed voltage regulator is replaced with 78L05, even with In this case the cable can not be powered from the port reliably. Some people try to use different resistor values. They think it will do. No, it will not. Power rectifier diodes and germanium diodes will not work. Some guys think the more the C4 capacitance is the better. That is wrong. If the LP is used C4 should be 1. Furthermore, when DOS softwares are used, this sort of checking is performed by standard DOS procedures for port access.
Make sure no wires are broken and all contacts are reliable, especially in connection to the radio. Broken wires are the frequent reason of malfunction. Please note! Connection to the radio must be reliable. Round stereo jacks must be plugged in firmly until stop.
Their flanges may be ground off if needed. RJ and RJ connectors get oxidized easily. Socket contacts may be cleaned with an erasor scrap.
Jack contacts may be cleaned with a thick needle. Make sure the regulator output voltage is 5V. The wrong voltage may occur due to assembling defects or bad serial port extension pieces. Please note: the serial port may power up the circuit only while accessing the radio. Some software especially made by Motorola gives no power from the port, so external power is needed. Make sure the software and operational system are correct.
The most common mistake is running DOS programs under Windows. Port accessing technique under Windows is different, DOS programs access ports incorrectly.
Make sure the radio is powered correctly, is turned on and functions properly. Print page 1 Print document 13 pages. Rename the bookmark. Delete bookmark?
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