Heavy metal contamination of soil pdf

This may due to haphazard of the parent material has less bearing on V content of mature, distribution of industrial effluent. Compared with the normal threshold site through leaching into groundwater or surface runoff [7]. Vanadium usually has a wide and coarse, sandy, well drained soils, where loadings are varied industrial usage in dyeing, textile, metallurgy and excessive or through bypass flow mechanisms. Higher electronics.

As majority of the industries are textile and concentrations of K in surface runoff or leachate are petroleum products, which clearly indicates that the source is associated with sites with a high use of K fertilizer or effluent to be anthropogenic from industries in the area. According to application, especially where soil incorporation does not Davis et al.

The amount of natural K and the amount of K from reported to benefit plant growth, while higher concentrations effluent or fertilizer which is or becomes available for plants are toxic [12]. Chromium including particle size, clay mineralogy, moisture status, organic matter and soil pH [9]. In this study, Chromium average concentration was found to be Calcium value for sub surface layer was Calcium is a dietary requirement for all organisms apart Between the two layers, the highest value was ppm in from some insects and bacteria.

In this study, the average the surface soil and the lowest value was The soil was contaminated with Cr as it surface soil whereas; this value for sub surface layer was exceeded the Standard regulatory limits reported by Alloway Calcium level ranged from to On a concentration ranged from to ppm. From the study, worldwide basis, the disposal of commercial products that it seems that in surface soil the concentration of Ca was too contain chromium may be the largest Contributor, high rather than the sub-surface soil.

For example, CaCl2 or Ca NO 3 include the disposal of coal fly ash and bottom fly ash from solutions are applied in horticulture. Calcium carbonate is a electric utilities and other industries Calcium phosphate is required for bone structure atmospheric fallout 2. Chromium enters the food and teeth structure of terrestrial organisms. Titanium vegetation. As the chromium concentration in plants Titanium level ranged from ppm to ppm in the increases, it adversely affects several biological parameters.

In sub-surface soil, the concentration ranged from to ppm whereas the average was It seems that the average concentration of Manganese level sub-surface. Titanium is present in soil in a relatively high ranged from 0 to ppm in the surface soil whereas in the concentration within the range from several tenths of percent sub-surface soil the concentration was from Ti is generally present in ppm.

In the surface layer, the average concentration of Mn most plants in relatively low concentrations 0. In accordance with the standard of Mn, it can be said that the amount of Mn both in surface and sub-surface soil was 3. Vanadium within safe limit. Law et al. The essentiality of was On the other hand this value oxidoreductases, transferases, ligases, or hydrolases. Baralkiewicz and Siepak [18] also worked 3. Iron on similar topics mentioned on their report that the solubility In the surface soil, the average concentration of Iron was of nickel in soils increases with its acidity.

Between the two layers of acidity. The lowest value was found in can be in excess of these values by many times. In the surface soil, the Dojlido and Best [19] the greatest pollution of soils range of Iron was from to ppm.

On the other by nickel was found in the region of highly developed nickel hand, in sub-surface soil it ranged from to ppm. Increased nickel content in Poland of dropped sufficiently to create an excess of available Iron. Fe mgkg-1 was determined in places polluted by galvanization toxicity can also occur when Zinc is deficient, or the soil is in plant sewage.

This nickel can cause a variety of adverse a "reduced" condition caused by very wet or flooded effects on human health, such as nickel allergy in the form of conditions.

Excess Fe can result in Dark green foliage, contact dermatitis, lung fibrosis, cardiovascular and kidney stunted growth of tops and roots, dark brown to purple leaves diseases and cancer of the respiratory tract. But according to van Breemen and Moormann [16] 3.

Copper texture, cation exchange capacity, and organic matter content In this study, the average concentration of Copper was influence the concentration of ferrous iron in soil solution, in Sahrawat [17] showed that, sub surface layer was The lowest value was of nutrients, including K and Zn. It is seen that the average concentration of Copper was 3. Cobalt maximum in the sub-surface layer. The regulatory standard The average concentration of Cobalt was Compared with this ppm in the surface soil whereas; this value for sub surface standard it is clear that the sub-surface zone is highly layer was Between the two layers, the polluted by Cu.

Compared with regulatory standards set by Alloway, dairy waste applied as irrigation water to agricultural crops the concentration of Cr was so high. An increased raises concerns regarding how plants and soils are impacted. F , observing a may indicate the influence of anthropogenic factors.

Cobalt decrease in plant height, total yield, number of fruit, and dry is easily absorbed by organic substances and creates organic root weight with increasing Cu application. Not only are chelates. These increase the mobility of cobalt and influence excessive Cu concentrations detrimental to plants, they may their mobility within the profile of the soils, and also increase also toxic to microorganisms. Zinc The average concentration of Zinc was Nickel ppm in the surface soil whereas; this value for sub surface In the surface soil, the average concentration of Nickel layer was Between the two layers of was Long-term consumption of these Though Zn is micronutrients but high concentrations in soils metal-contaminated vegetables can cause different diseases may be poisonous to micro-organisms, higher plants, and like thalassemia, dermatitis, brain and kidney damage, and fauna.

High concentrations of available zinc in soils usually cancer in the human body. Hence regular monitoring of arise from various sources of pollution, including: these toxic heavy metals from effluents and sewage, in soil atmospheric deposition from a nearby industrial source, is essential to prevent their excessive build up in the food excessive applications of zinc rich materials and high zinc chain.

The authors wish to thank all the members of Accelerator Elevated concentrations of zinc in crops probably do not Facilities Division and Medical Physics Division for their constitute a toxicity hazard to humans or livestock continuous help during the course of this study.

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